Why? ‘Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness. It is not on the ground of his own claim as a righteous man, but it is that, in this particular case, he was wrongfully persecuted; and he asks God to interpose, and to cause justice to be done. Past favor is a ground of hope for the future. He who dares to face his Maker will not tremble before the sons of men. An exhortation to duty, Psalms 4:4,5. But if there be any foundation for the idea, surely it is an interesting one, to take with us in our searching for him through the whole book of Psalms, from whence we know, as well as other parts of scripture, the Lord Jesus spake to his disciples concerning himself. Herein is wisdom, let us imitate it and always take our suit, not to the petty courts of human opinion, but into the superior court, the King's Bench of heaven. Audio Commentary: Psalm 4 Psalm 4 1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. 27:7. This is the right method. i.e. And this agrees also with the experience of the saints; who, when in distress through sin, Satan, and the law, have been set free, through the Gospel proclaiming liberty to the captives to such enemies; and the opening of the prison to them that have been bound by them: and when they have been so shut up and straitened in themselves, that they could not come forth in the discharge of duty, and in the exercise of grace; through the Spirit of the Lord, who is a spirit of liberty, they have been enlarged in the duty of prayer and of praise, and in the exercise of faith and love; and their hearts have been enlarged through the discoveries of the love of God towards them, so that they have run cheerfully in the ways of his commandments; who also gives them largeness of heart, an increase of the knowledge of Christ, and of the love of God, and tills them with joy and peace in believing, and draws out the desires of their souls to his name, and the remembrance of him; have mercy upon me: the psalmist pleads no merit nor worthiness of his own, but applies to the grace and mercy of God; and sensible of his sin, both original and actual, he entreats a discovery of pardoning grace and mercy. This is a thought very common in the Psalter, and apparently was a favourite phrase of Davidâs, occurring in Psalms 18:19 (comp. People are troubled about many things, but God ‘puts gladness in our hearts.’. Righteousness, therefore, is here to be understood of a good cause, of which David makes God the witness, while he complains of the malicious and wrongful conduct of men towards him; and, by his example, he teaches us, that if at any time our uprightness is not seen and acknowledged by the world, we ought not on that account to despond, inasmuch as we have one in heaven to vindicate our cause. Commentary on Psalm 4. The earth was cursed, man died spiritually and for a brief season Satan has taken the reins of power and become the prince of the power of the air.. and the god of this age. I ask the question, let the Reader remember; I do not determine it. For particulars, David was content to be at God’s disposal. And the other part of the motive for redress is also very sweet and important. de Orat.). "Have mercy upon me." This is a thought very common in the Psalter, and apparently was a favourite phrase of Davidâs, occurring in Psalm 18:19 (comp. Answer Me When I Call - To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. I had rather have the king’s favour than Mephibosheth’s land. Neginoth: stringed instruments mentioned in connection with Psalms 3; Psalms 5; Psalms 43; Psalms 54; Psalms 60; Psalms 66; Psalms 75, where it seems clear that the musical directions now appearing as titles of Psalms 4; Psalms 6; Psalms 54; Psalms 55; Psalms 61; Psalms 67; Psalms, 76, were anciently appended to the preceding Psalms. You have given me relief when I was in distress. Nor is this unsuitable to the Messiah, as man and Mediator; with whom, God keeps his mercy for evermore, as the head and surety of his people, and upon whom, as man, the grace of God was; and who increased, as in stature, so in favour with God and man; and which, no doubt, was desirable by him; and hear my prayer: the same petition with that in the beginning of the verse; invocation and prayer being the same thing. Yet, this is the one quality which is of single importance. Who will God honor to live in his presence? 3 O L ord, o how many are my foes! Apparently some in the community were spreading lies about him, ruining his reputation. 3 But you, O L ord, are r a shield s about me, my glory, and t the lifter of my head. The distress of which he speaks, in my opinion, refers not less to the state of his mind than to circumstances of outward affliction; for Davidâs heart was not of such an iron mould as to prevent him from being cast into deeper mental anguish by adversity. Have mercy = be gracious, or show favour to. It’s true that the Psalmist is asking for something. Or, O my righteous God. On Neginoth, that is, stringed instruments, as the kind of musical accompaniment. Psalm 1:4 The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away. David speaketh first to God, and then to men. We observe, III. God will honor those who live rightly. Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. The ungodly satisfied with earthly blessings, but the godly cannot be at rest without the favour of God, Psalm 4:6-8. 1. If so, is not this Psalm, and indeed all the Psalms that are so addressed to the chief Musician, directed to Jesus? Psalms 4:1 Context. It is summed up in the question, âShall not the judge of all the earth do right?â The strength of the innocent in the face of calumny or oppression lies in the appeal to the eternal source of righteousness. Psalm 4: An Evening Song [or download in R TF format] Psalm 5: Pray about your Enemies [or download in R TF format] Psalm 6: David is very ill [or download in R TF format] Psalm 7: David and Cush [or download in R TF format] Psalm 8: The Sky at Night [or download in R TF format] David really had rather have God’s love and favour than all this world’s good; and therefore so heartily beggeth it above anything. When we are vilified, and derogated by others, as David here was, let us make God acquainted with our condition, by his example. In the Hebrew, it is neginoth, supposed by some to be a musical instrument, with which this psalm was to be sung. ", "That love vanity and seek after falsehood. He can say that Christ has been made to him righteousness, that we have been ‘made the righteousness of God in Him’ (1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21). He reproves the wicked, Psalm 4:2. NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: PSALM 4:1 1 Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! --- The psalms which have this title, related to future times, and to the Church of Christ; (St. Augustine; Worthington) or were to be sung at the close of the Jewish festivals, &c. (Berthier) --- This is considered as a sequel to the preceding, to thank God for the late victory over Absalom. Heb. Even the heathen have said there is no better stage for virtue than a manâs own conscience. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Psalm 15 INTRODUCTION: This psalm addresses a question that concerns all religious people. Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress — Delivered me from my former straits and troubles, temporal and spiritual, which makes me hope thou wilt still take pity upon me, and grant the humble petition which I present unto thee. 4:36), and in other psalms attributed to him. ] Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Psalm 1 EXEGESIS: CONTEXT: This is a wisdom psalm, calling people to follow the path of righteousness to obtain the blessings that God confers on the righteous. thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; when he had like to have been killed by Saul casting a javelin at him; and when his house was watched by men that Saul set there, and he was let down through a window and escaped; and when he was shut in at Keilah, where Saul thought he had him safe; and at other times, to which he may here refer, as in Psalm 18:19; and this may be applied to the Messiah, when in the garden, beset with sorrows, and an angel strengthened him; and when on the cross, surrounded by various enemies, whom he conquered; and when in death and the grave, from the pains and cords of which he was loosed, and set in a large place. freed me from my former straits and troubles. But while I do not presume to say otherwise, I venture to throw out a conjecture, that this Psalm was addressed to an infinitely greater person, than any among the sons of men. 1.O God of my righteousness—The author and judge of my righteousness. We rather understand the psalms thus inscribed to refer to Christ, who is the end of the law, and the great Conqueror of death and hell; and to the New Testament. Fenwick, however, who conceives that all the psalms immediately refer to Christ, has endeavoured to prove at large, that the words would be more properly rendered, To him who giveth the victory, or causeth us to triumph in tribulations. Or the expression may mean, The foundation, source, and author of my righteousness. A Psalm of David. And certainly, as often as we ask anything from God, it becomes us to begin with this, and to beseech him, according to his free goodness, to relieve our miseries. 8:4, 5), to receive instruction. O God of my righteousness - That is, O my righteous God. He appealed to God as the righteous One who had delivered him from former distress. Meditations, Critical and Practical, on Psalm IV., in Archbishop Leighton's Works. (Challoner) --- Lamnetseach, from nitseach, "to push to an end," may signify (Haydock) to the end; and this sense is more noble than (Berthier) "To the precentor, or president." 25:16; 69:16 Psalm 4:1. Though thou mayest justly permit my enemies to destroy me, on account of my many and great sins, yet I flee to thy mercy, and I beseech thee hear my prayer, and bring thy servant out of his troubles. “The church, like David,” says Dr. Horne, and, we may add, every true member thereof, “calls aloud for God’s assistance; addresses him as the God of her righteousness, as the fountain of pardon and grace; reminds him of that spiritual liberty, and enlargement from bondage, which he hath purchased for her, and oftentimes wrought in her; and conscious of her demerit, makes her prayer for mercy.”, Unto the end. Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress - That is, on some former occasion. This Psalms opens with prayer, then an address showing the folly, as well as danger, of pursuing vanity; the close of the Psalm determines that the happiness of man must be alone found in the favor of God. On other parts of title, see-on Introduction., The historical occasion was probably the same as that of the foregoing [see on Psalm 3:1, Title]. The psalmist here appeals to God as "his" God - the God in whom he trusted; and as a "righteous" God - a God who would do that which was right, and on whom, therefore, he might rely as one who would protect his own people. This Psalm is, for the matter or substance of it, much like the former, and seems to have been made upon the same or some other like occasion, when he was distressed either by Absalom, or by Saul, or by some other great and powerful enemies. "I humbly beseech thee, that I may find grace in thy sight, my lord, O king," said that false Ziba to David, 2 Samuel 16:4; q.d. The versions vary extremely with respect to it. Psalm 102 Commentary by Brad Boyles “The Psalm has been attributed to Daniel, to Jeremiah, to Nehemiah, or to some of the other prophets who flourished during the time of the captivity. Psalm 8:1-4. The most satisfactory account of them extant, that we know of, is Calmet's Dissertation upon the Hebrew Instruments, and the Univ. Some have thought that this Psalm was used in the temple service, and sung there. Answer me when I call to you,my righteous God.Give me relief from my distress;h He who will not ask such blessings as pardon, and justifying righteousness, and eternal life, must perish for the want of them. A psalm of David. The privilege of the godly, and his faith in God, Psalms 4:3. David prayeth for audience. He feels that the God who had done it in former troubles could do it again; and he asks him to repeat his mercy. Thus, in Psalm 2:6, "hill of my holiness," meaning "my holy hill;" Psalm 3:4, "his hill of holiness," meaning "his holy hill." The best of men need mercy as truly as the worst of men. Alas! First of all, I want to give honor to God in whose ways I am imperfectly trying to walk. The name by which the Lord is here addressed, "God of my righteousness," deserves notice, since it is not used in any other part of Scripture. Instruments pulsatilia, stringed instruments, such as are to be touched, or played upon with the hand. Surely because he looked upon the favour of God as a complexive blessing, that perfectly comprehendeth all the rest; as manna is said to have had all good tastes in it. In my crying hear me, God of my righteousness. 2 O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress] Heb. So he urgeth God and strengtheneth his own faith with his former experiences. He appeals his righteous cause to God for judgment jointly with his prayer for help. Who that has felt the assurance that God has heard his prayer in former times, and has delivered him from trouble, will not go to him with the more confident assurance that he will hear him again? “Answer me … be gracious to me … hear my prayer” says the psalmist (v. 1). With respect to David, it is easy to answer this question. See on Psalms 3, "Thou hast relieved me," is a better translation of the Hebrew perfect tense than the NIV, "Give me relief. Psalm 4 – Talking to God and Men. 3: p. 194. So Alexander, on his death bed, left his kingdom τω Kρατιστω, Optimatum optimo, to him that should be the best of the best. Psalm 4:1-8. The Story of Psalm 4. David slept in peace. Psalm 30 7 Meaning; Psalm 31 Meaning; Psalm 32 Commentary; Psalm 33 Commentary. 4:1 Notice the imperatives used to implore God. Thou hast made room for me. Psalms 3:8 : Psalms 4:2 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. Observe, that David speaks first to God and then to men. A psalm of David. Ps. The chief musician; the master or director of the sacred musicians and music of the temple; of whom see 1 Chronicles 6:31 15:16,17 25:1,2 2 Chronicles 20:21 34:12,13. God of my righteousness—or, "my righteous God, as my holy hill" (Ps 2:6), who will act towards me on righteous principles. Psalms 4:1. The writer is grateful that when he was in distress God delivered him from it and set him ‘at large’. The appeal to God as a righteous God implies a conviction in the mind of the psalmist of the justice of his cause; and he asks God merely to do "right" in the case. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 2 by John Calvin. With stringed instruments. And so this and other words in Hebrew and Greek, which properly signify righteousness, are oft used for mercy or kindness, as Isaiah 58:8 Psalm 31:1 36:10 2 Corinthians 9:9, and in many other places. аконников — Ð´Ð°Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑÑвенной благодаÑи. O God of my righteousness — Or, my righteous God, the witness and defender of my righteous cause, and the person from whom I expect that righteous judgment and decision of it which I cannot obtain from mine enemies, who load me with manifold injuries and calumnies. Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! An experienced warrior and conqueror, David had been familiar with dangers and deliverances, and his faith is now encouraged from the past. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress -, "Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. View Bible Text. In the last clause of the verse, he also shows whence he expected to obtain what he needed, namely, from the mercy of God. From whence the Greek and Latin Fathers imagined, that all the Psalms which bear this inscription refer to the Messiah, the great end. A man may be sensible that in a particular case he has justice on his side, though he has a general conviction that he himself is a sinner; and he may pray to God to cause his enemies to do right, or to lead those whose office it is to decide the case, to do what ought to be done to vindicate his name, or to save him from wrong. The mode of expression which he here employs is metaphorical, and by it he intimates that a way of escape was opened up to him even when he was besieged and enclosed on every side. Hebrews 1:7-8. Psalm 4:6. You have set me at large when I was in distress. Psalm 25:4-5; Isaiah 45:13). This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Langua ge) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3.7.3 Client Academic. By his praying, he testified, that when utterly deprived of all earthly succor, there yet remained for him hope in God. That part is yet to come. And they that have drawn this conclusion suppose also, that Neginoth meant stringed instruments, similar to what is said Habakkuk 3:19. Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me. And, I would like to thank my fiancé, my family, friends, classmates and all of you who thought it not robbery to listen to me talk about God’s Word just a little bit. Hear me when I call, O God of my riqhteousness] That is, O thou righteous Judge of my righteous cause, and of my good conscience. – Thanking God for help treatment which David met with, ought to be at ’. Ye love vanity and seek after falsehood mihi '', Junius & Tremellius, Piscator Cocceius... Words and seek after falsehood and unjust treatment which David met with, ought be... Boldly to men Haydock ) -- - `` Over the female musicians. himself... Righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. to... Practical, on some former occasion men if we had more constant converse with God than with.. 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